Temporary Use Ban

On 5 August 2022, we introduced a Temporary Use Ban (TUB) in Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight for everyone who has their water supplied by us in those areas. At the same time, we applied to the Environment Agency for a Drought Permit on the River Test – a vital source of fresh water for South Hampshire – to allow us to continue to take water if levels continued to drop.

The Temporary Use Ban  was removed on  4 November 2022. This is because river flows increased to levels where a TUB was no longer deemed necessary. However, we must continue to do all we can to save water to help our rivers recover and avoid further restrictions in the future.


Drought restrictions - how is the water in my area affected?

In Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight, much of the water we supply for our customers comes from local rivers. If the river levels drop, there’s less water to go around – so last  summer we had to introduce drought restrictions, known as a Temporary Use Ban (TUB).


The current situation in Hampshire

The River Test and Itchen are vital sources of fresh water for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. River flows are currently healthy, due to above average rainfall across the winter and spring. But we must always be mindful of how much water we use to help preserve these precious habitats and ensure there remains enough water to go around. Especially if we experience another dry, hot summer.


All areas that were affected by the TUB



We still need to save water where we can

Despite lifting the TUB, we must continue to be mindful of the amount of water we are using, and limit water use, where possible, to help our rivers recover and protect the precious local habitats that rely on them.

Fortunately, saving water is easy. Just a few small changes to our daily routines can make a big difference, and could help save you money on your bills too.

Head to our How to save water page for tips and advice on how to save water in the home and garden, as well as more information on what we’re doing to find and fix leaks on our network.  


Find out more about TUBs, and the impact this might have on you by clicking on each phase below.